
This 5-day meal program may promote the benefits associated with completing a 5-day fast while continuing to provide the body with essential nutrients.

What is ProLon?

Developed at the Longevity Institute at USC, ProLon was designed to initiate the processes associated with a 5-day fast while still nourishing your body. Everything you need for the 5-day program is in the box, which includes three delicious, mostly plant-based meals a day plus snacks (includes honey). You just add water and heat. In just 5-days, you may experience the amazing benefits of fasting without having to skip a meal.

Why Use ProLon?

ProLon is aimed at kickstarting cellular clean-up and rejuvenation, may encourage the maintenance of healthy metabolic factors associated with aging, helps promote energy and clarity, and may initiate targeted fat loss for a trimmer waistline.

Where to Purchase ProLon?

The ProLon Fasting Mimicking Diet is now available through our network of Biote Certified Providers.

Weight 0.1 lbs